What are your needs?


Zero to very low deductible Coverage available for exact replacement value Highly customizable coverage and add-ons


Extends Homeowners coverage limits Does not affect Homeowners policy Broader coverage than homeowners policy

High-value item

Wedding/Engagement Rings Coin collections Rare/Signed/Numbered collectibles Precious Artwork

Imagine a valuable piece of jewelry passed down through generations, a prized antique collection, or a high-end camera that captures life's precious moments. These are the kinds of treasures a personal articles floater insurance policy (PAF) is designed to protect.

Think of it as a personalized bodyguard for your most cherished belongings, offering an extra layer of security beyond your standard homeowners or renters insurance. Here's what makes PAF unique:

Targeted Protection:

  • Unlike homeowners insurance, which has blanket coverage limits for personal property, PAF provides individualized coverage for specific items. This means you can insure each valuable piece for its exact worth, ensuring proper compensation in case of loss or damage.
  • This is especially crucial for high-value items that might exceed your homeowners policy's limitations, leaving you financially exposed.

Wider Coverage:

PAF policies often offer broader coverage than standard homeowners insurance. This can include protection against perils like:

  • Mysterious disappearance: Say goodbye to the 'unexplained vanishing act' – PAF covers items that mysteriously go missing, a gap often left by homeowners insurance.
  • Wear and tear: Time takes its toll, but PAF can cover gradual deterioration for valuable collectibles or antiques.
  • Worldwide coverage: Whether it's a lost necklace on a Parisian vacation or a damaged artwork during international shipping, PAF can provide coverage beyond your home's walls.

Flexibility and Customization:

  • PAF policies are highly customizable, allowing you to choose the specific items you want to insure and the level of coverage needed. This means you can tailor the policy to your unique needs and budget.
  • You can also opt for riders or endorsements that add additional protection, like coverage for breakage or accidental damage for fragile items.

A personal articles floater insurance policy can be a valuable investment for safeguarding your prized possessions. If you own high-value items or simply want extra security for your cherished belongings, exploring a PAF policy might be the perfect solution.

Chris Irwin
Alpha Ensure
It's important to note that these are just some examples, and specific types of insurance can be further customized based on individual needs and risks. If you're considering insurance, it's crucial to discuss your specific requirements with one of our qualified insurance professionals to find the most suitable coverage for your risk profile.